Extra virgin olive oil for sale in Tuscany: discover the quality of our products

A simple squeeze of olives? Our Tuscan extra virgin olive oil is that, but also much more, and is available for direct sale on our website.

The chemical and sensory characteristics of evo oil are the result of a mix of natural and human factors. We cannot intervene in climate or soil type, but we can strive to manage and improve what nature gives us. And in our case, nature gives us a lot of help!

In fact, the Tuscan farm where our oil for direct sale is born benefits from a particular microclimate. Depending on the quality and type of extra virgin oil we want to obtain, we intervene in what concerns:

The choice of fertilization and treatments
The use of natural practices capable of increasing the biodiversity of our micro-agro-environment
The choice of the best period for harvesting
The careful management of the olives, from harvesting to pressing

Tuscan oil, the benefits of direct sales

We have chosen to sell our oil directly with the possibility of buying independently on our website. In fact, direct sale brings with it many advantages for those who choose to taste our varieties of evo oil: from the short supply chain to the guarantee of freshness, through direct contact with the producer.

Short supply chain extra virgin oil: from producer to consumer

  • Improved traceability – Buying our Tuscan extra virgin olive oil directly from us means no distribution middlemen. This allows us to have complete control over every step, and ensure maximum transparency and traceability of the product.
  • More competitive prices – Without intermediaries, we can offer our oil for direct sale at more competitive prices. You can then purchase a high-quality product at a more affordable price than in the store, where distribution and retail costs increase the final receipt.
  • Increased Transparency – Direct selling allows you to know exactly the origin of the oil and the production methods used. We offer total transparency, from the growing of the olives to the pressing and bottling, for an informed and informed purchasing choice.

Freshness and guaranteed quality of evo oil

  • Always fresh and freshly bottled oil – One of the main advantages of direct sales is the guarantee of product freshness. Our extra virgin olive oil is bottled immediately after pressing, so it always arrives on the table fresh and with all its organoleptic qualities intact.
  • Optimal storage – Thanks to the dynamics of direct sales, the oil is stored in optimal conditions, away from light and heat, inside containers that preserve its quality. We treat the bottles with the utmost care to maintain the beneficial properties and authentic taste of our Tuscan oil.

Connection with Tuscan oil producer

  • Direct Contact – By buying without intermediaries, you can establish a direct relationship with us that generates a bond of trust and gives you the opportunity to learn more about Tuscan oil and its history.
  • Opportunity to experience the farm – You can discover where our Tuscan olive oil is born by staying among the olive trees on the farm: a totally relaxing experience at the old barn rooms, among the scent, colors and magic of the olive grove.
  • Usage Tips – Thanks to direct contact with us, you can receive personalized advice on how to use our Tuscan evo oil in cooking, how to store it, and how to best appreciate its characteristics.

Oil and Health

Hippocrates, father of medicine, defined the olive oil as “the great healer”. He was right, though he had not the modern systems of analysis and control for verifying the effects the elements constituting the olive oil have on human organism.

Nutraceutico” is the word for “Food-Medicine”: food having both nutritional components and natural active principles with therapeutic properties. In this, the olive oil is a “king”, and its importance in human nutrition and in preventing many diseases is confirmed by many universities’ studies.

A concentration of antioxidants and Vitamin E

Here are some important elements that make up the oil with their sensory and beneficial characteristics.

Polyphenols give the oil a characteristic hint of spicy and bitter.

Powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and provide your body with protection against inflammatory processes and against cell aging, inhibit the formation of blood clots, have a vasodilator effect. They are, therefore, useful in the prevention of many diseases such as diabetes and cancer. The main polyphenols in the oil are:

Oleocantale: responsible for the spicy taste, is a polyphenol with extraordinary features, besides being a powerful anti-inflammatory; It prevents Alzheimer’s and is an anticancer agent.

Oleuropein: responsible for the bitter taste, it is a polyphenol with antioxidant and anticancer activity; fights oxidative stress by smoke and promotes the production of dopamine by the brain.

Monounsaturated fatty acids: they help to control the levels of cholesterol LDL (the bad) and encourage the HDL (good).

Tocopherols (vitamin E): the ‘olive oil is very rich in vitamin E, which protects among other osteoporosis.


When we talk about “extra virgin” we should always bear in mind the differences between an olive oil and another. The same occurs when talking about “olive”, as if it were just one kind of tree. Indeed many varieties of olive trees exist, and they are called cultivar. “Leccino”, “Moraiolo” and “Frantoio” are the most important and the most traditional cultivar in Tuscany and in the Montalbano area.

Each cultivar has its own specificities and characteristics; furthermore the territory and its microclimate have influence on cultivars.

The cultivars we have at La Cavallina are Arancino, Leccino, Moraiolo and Frantoio. Their qualities and characteristics are combined harmonically in a very peculiar blend.

Our Philosophy

We name “our philosophy” the idea we have about oil, about taking care of the land and the trees to obtain good fruits, about the product we aim to make. We mean the passion moving us daily in our effort to obtain a high quality olive oil in terms of organoleptic and healthy properties. We mean defending our trees and fruits from diseases using organic products and natural fertilizers. We mean rediscovering ancient procedures and following our ancestors’ customs; at those times no chemical pesticides existed and the strongest product used was “Verde Rame”.

All such cares can be found in our olive oil: in the absence of any treatment residues, in the results of the analysis we make to verify the achievements of our work.

Our olive oil should give important gustatory perceptions; it should make us perceive all the fragrances and the flavours contained in the olives, but also guarantee genuineness and health.

Our Organic Olive Oil

In another section of the website we have talked about oil as “just squeeze of olives”. Our oil is this and much more.

Interaction between cultivar, land, microclimate, human factors

The chemical and sensorial characteristics of an olive oil are the result of a mix of natural and human factors.

We cannot influence some of these factors (climate, land, cultivar) but we can operate with the highest care for improving and orienting what Nature gives us.

In our case, Nature helps us a lot thanks to the particular microclimate of our farm; then, our effort is to work to obtain a healthy and distinctive product.

So many are the choices to take depending on the quality and type of olive oil we aim to produce: how fertilizing and treating; what natural procedures to adopt for increasing biodiversity in our “micro-agricultural-environment” (e.g. supporting healthy bacteria and natural antagonists to fight adversities); when it is best to harvest; how to best manage olives from harvest to pressing.